Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gravity Issues

Lately I have been very busy at work which makes the day fly by so I don't complain. Well, I do complain but only if things aren't going my way which tends to happen a lot. One of my little projects was a mailing about the new housing law that just passed. This involved making about 500 labels.

If you work in an office you may have run into this problem before. I have no printer of my own so I have to share a printer with about 10-20 other people. For some reason I can't get the printer to allow a manual feed for labels so I have to place the label page in the drawer with the regular paper and make my way back to my desk to push print before one of the 10-20 other people push print on their print jobs. About five times someone beat me to the punch and my label page came out with someone else's letter or memo on it. At first it was amusing and the person who's memo was now sticky and I would just laugh it off.

Then I started running out of labels. No longer a joking matter.

I had one label that needed to be fixed and reprinted. I was determined to have this one label come out with no issues so I put the page in the drawer and hauled ass back to my cube. I turned the corner and my ankle and I had a quick discussion that went something like this:

My Ankle: What the hell are you doing?
Me: Running.
My Ankle: We don't run! I'll put a stop to this.

My ankle then seized up and threw a little pain in to boot. I fell. AGAIN. (for those of you that are new to the blog I have had a recent history of falling down while stone cold sober. You can read about one such instance in "My Shady Past." The other two instances were not my fault. Uneven pavement! My plasterer pledged my floors! I blogged about it on Myspace I'll save you the gory details.)

Anyway, everyone thought it was hilarious, har-de har har. Everyone, of course, except my boss, Guy, who calmly turned his head, looked at me on the floor and went back to his conversation. I swear I could be on fire and if he was working he would think twice about putting me out.

I am going to have to be very careful not to set myself on fire at the office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL, you are so witty "ankle: I'll put a stop to this" You have me rollin' on the florr over here :)