Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Miracle Pants or I Got Splashed By a Cab

Running errands at lunch is always stressful. Trying to squeeze an otherwise enjoyable shopping experience into an hour long, nerve wracking blitz is never fun. Today I had an additional time line other than my hour lunch allotment. I'm leaving for FLA on Friday and I'm nearly out of foundation and moisturizer, both of which cannot be found in Spring Hill. In fact I don't think they sell anything other than St. Ives and Maybelline in Spring Hill and since I've developed this annoying sensitive skin issue I can't cheap out anymore, though I'd really like to spend less than $36 for a tiny thing of moisturizer. But I digress.

Since I have to be a facial product snob now I need to go to Sephora and get the things I need. Sephora is in the Pru Mall and I work the Financial District in downtown Boston. I got on the green line and headed off to run the obstacle course of the Pru at lunchtime. I needed foundation, moisturizer and to return a shirt to the GAP. Eyes on the prize. In and out. No funny business.

But Victoria's Secret was having their Semi Annual sale.

First things first.
Return the shirt to the GAP.
Get moisturizer.
Hit the VS sale.
Head all the way over to the other side of the mall to get the foundation.
Get back on the green line and go back to work.
All in one hour. Yeah right.

I was actually making pretty good time and got everything I needed. VS was the biggest bag I had and it was the cheesey paper bag they give you when you shop at the semi-annual sale not the nice shiny shopping bag for their "regular" customers who pay full price. They crammed all of the nice new, on sale bras and undies into the paper bag and sent me on my cheap girl way. I tried to condense the bags from the other stores in there as well which made for a cheap paper bag busting at the seams.

I speed walked through the mall in my Sorels (which must have been quite a sight) and headed out the mall door toward the Copley T station. As I waited on the middle-of-the-road island to cross the street a cab trying to make the changing light barrelled past and caused the ocean of a puddle of salty slush in front of me to slosh up and take up new residence on my pants. I must admit I let out a yell as it was happening. I saw it coming but too late to move out of the way.

My first thought was, "I wish I had superpowers so I could fly after that cab and pull the driver out and bludgeon him."
My second thought was, "Thank god I'm wearing my miracle pants."

I always wear my miracle pants when it rains. They are a light weight Geoffrey Beene Poly/Rayon/Spandex blend that dry remarkably fast. But wet pants were the least of my worries.

As I got on the T I noticed that my VS cheap paper bag, that branded me as a sale shopper, was wet. Had it been their nice regular bag it would have resisted the water but this one just sucked it right up and threatened to bust through the bottom, spilling my new bras and panties for all the world to see. I grasped the over stuffed, damp paper bag from the bottom and the sides and willed it to stay together until I reached the office. It did.

With my tattered bag and my wet pants I walked back into the office 20 min late from my lunch "hour." I dried my pants under the "excellerator" in the ladies room.

Shopping trip successful. Wet and cold, but successful.

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